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Profile for Buckley
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Sep 05, 2004

Real name: Kirsty

- United Kingdom
State/Province: England

Status: Dating
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
Happy, sociable, sometimes quite loud but not the annoying kind of loud, laughing all the time, easily amused i suppose you could call it, at college which is really good, did really well in year12 and im going on to my second year now.

Turn ons:
My bf...how sad does that sound hehe, dark hair, tall, slim

Turn offs:
Arrogance, guys who try to walk all over me, one track minds etc

COmputer, Music, Friends, Clubs, Chatting, Laughing, TV, Football, Yoga

I admire:
Tony Blair currently, hes doin a difficult job!!

Favorite movies:
The Green Mile, Titanic, The Shawshank Redemption, AMerican Pie, The Labyrinth

Favorite TV shows:
Friends, The Salon, Will & Grace, Nip/Tuck, Alistair McGowans's Big Impression, The Fast Show, Hollyoaks

Best feature:
Most ppl tell me eyes physically, and that im always in a good mood...good memory

two in one ear, three in the other

ewwww noooo tattoos, too scared of the pain

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Voting Habits:

Average vote: 7.71       Total votes: 17

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