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Profile for annamarie221
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Sep 01, 2004

Real name: Anna

- United States
State/Province: Virginia

Status: Dating
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
Well, I am a sweet, intelligent, ambitious female. I love the old fashion ways of romance. I've experienced alot for my age, so I like to think i am well rounded in all aspects of life.

Turn ons:
Great smile, green eyes, kisses on the neck, the beach, ice cubes, and tongues. ;)

Turn offs:
Fat, hairy, or smelly men, big noses, long toenails, beards, and men who wax their eyebrows.

With school and work most of my free time is occupied. But when I do get some free time I like to go out dancing or maybe to the movies. I have fun doing just about anything.

I admire:
My Mom!

Favorite movies:
Finding Nemo! It is without a doubt the cutest movie I have ever seen.

Favorite TV shows:
Nip/Tuck and The Golden Girls

Best feature:
My hazel eyes

Just my ears and belly button. (I had my tongue pierced but not anymore.)

Nope, not yet.

My friends
My photos

Voting Habits:

Average vote: 6.4       Total votes: 10

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