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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Mar 24, 2006

Real name: Elena

- Russian Federation
State/Province: Chuvashia

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Sexuality: Straight

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About me:
My name is Elena. Me of 27 years. I was born in Russia in the fine city of Ceboksary. I the cheerful, educated, sociable young lady. I love children and pets. I adore flowers, it is especial roses. I like to travel, but unfortunately not always it turns out. Free time I spend on the nature, or I walk in park. Also I give time for reading books, I love Russian poets. I like to prepare for something tasty on kitchen, it is especial on holidays.

I admire:
I search for persons for serious relationship. I want to leave for him in marriage And to live with him the stayed life. I also would like to give birth to him to the child. My dream is the man from the foreign country. I would be glad to find the person who has grown fond of me strongly Also would be ready on all for the sake of me. I think there will be such person who will grow fond of me strongly. I shall make all for the sake of him. I search the sincere person.



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