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Profile for opi_lynn
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Last Online: Apr 21, 2020
Date Joined: Sep 02, 2004

Real name: Opi

- United States
State/Province: Colorado

Status: Single
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight

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Turn ons:
A guy who does what he wants regardless of what others think (as long as he likes it), old school black leather jackets, a "who cares" walk, roses with the thorns still attached, motorcycles, determination, passionate people, wallet chains hanging out of the pocket, and a dreamy smile

Turn offs:
thugs, posers, deppressed people, repeative beeping sounds, someone unreliable, anyone who gives up easily,whining, and clingy people

internet, art, writing, my guitar, and rocking out.

I admire:
Johnny Depp

Favorite movies:
The Cell, Sleepy Hollow, Cry Baby, Monkey Bone, The Matrix

Favorite TV shows:
The Simpsons

Best feature:
Eyes (they turn every shade inbetween and including blue & green even though i have dark hair) people think its cool.

no but i'd like to get a piercing on my right eyebrow for fun

no because im deathly afraid of needles but if i ever got drunk enough i'd get lips on my ass and a heart with "Depp" on my shoulder blade

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Voting Habits:

Average vote: 7.67       Total votes: 3

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